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Instituto Dr. Pacheco de Psicología



The IDPP Presents


in VHS


TV Guide


Learn to


Live Better ®





What does this mean

to you as a person?






Why does the


Instituto Dr. Pacheco

de Psicología


have this phrase

as its guiding principle?






We invite you

to find out...


And to send us a

message with your

personal answer via



(We want to publish

your answers)






To follow these links: 







Aprender a


Vivir Mejor ®





Offers you its

extensive collection

of VHS videos,

each about a

different topic

in mental health,

treated in a



but in a plain


and with a

humanistic vision.


All videos are

of an


duration of

55 minutes.



You can purchase a VHS copy of each of our TV programs (In Spanish)

by visiting our




Your purchase contributes to our social outreach programs for needy people






To follow this link: 






Aprender a


Vivir Mejor ®





Our program of


TV Interactiva


para el Buen Vivir ®,


being transmitted since


19 January 2004,



17 October 2004,


is off the air

by disposition of

the new authorities of


Quisqueya TV


part of the


Corporación Estatal de

Radio y Televisión (CERTV)


of the Dominican Republic.






Want to know more

about this

TV program?


If you do,

then follow

the link below






To follow this link:  






Do you need to consult us something?






Do you wish for a




to orient you

in the solution

of your problem?






We invite you

consult us for free

via electronic mail.








Any consultation you request and obtain via this Internet website and/or mail (traditional, electronic, or fax) is deemed by the IDPP as a request for orientation of a general nature, not psychotherapy, and is not offered as such by the IDPP, nor in place of a face-to-face professional intervention with a qualified mental health professional.  


In emergencies, we request that you DO NOT use this service, but call our emergencies cellular telephone 809-838-2222, and/or 911, and/ or the institutions in charge of emergencies in your locality.  By contacting us and/or by requesting a consultation, you acknowledge and accept these terms, and those in our

Privacy and Confidentiality Policy.






To follow this link:






Did you know that the IDPP website has a page on


Privacy and Confidentiality?






In that page you can read a clear and precise declaration of your rights when visiting this website.



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We send information and publications of interest to our readers about once a week.


If you wish to subscribe to this mailing list of the IDPP,

click on any of the images above or on the link below.


You will receive a message confirming your subscription.


Your address will be used only by the IDPP.



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If your name or electronic address are incorrect in our mailing list,

if you prefer to use a different address to receive our correspondence,

or if you receive them in duplicate,

we will appreciate your informing us at your earliest convenience,

to make the appropriate corrections.



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If you wish to unsubscribe from our mailing list, click on the following link.

You will receive a brief message confirming you have been removed from the mailing list.



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Instituto Dr. Pacheco de Psicología

Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.

Director - Clinical Psychologist

Avenida Independencia 105, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Telephone: 809-686-6666  Fax: 809-686-2222  Emergencies: 809-838-2222

E-Mail: info@idpp.org

Webmaster: webmaster@idpp.org


| © 1999-2008 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.  All Rights Reserved | Terms of Use | Privacy and Confidentiality | Contact the IDPP | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |


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The IDPP Internet Website was Originally Published 25 March 1999

This Page Last Updated 4 August 2008